Sea Eagle 12.6sr Inflatable Boat Reviews

4 Discount Packages available. starting at $2,399

William Edwards Verified Owner 9/2/2017 5.0 out of 5 stars.

I bought this boat to launch off the beach, and it has served me well.

The boat was not difficult to prepare for use. The instructions are informative and easily followed, especially with the video available online. I trailer the boat, and store the boat on the trailer.

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I put a 15 HP Yamaha on it, and its performance is good. Because I launch the boat in the surf, I put a prop guard on the motor. I like the safety and protection the prop guard offers, but it is a drag on the performance. Still, the boat planes easily and top speed is about 16-18 mph.

I launch the boat off Padre Island and run the boat in the Gulf of Mexico. I've had it out about 10 miles offshore. And I've had no problems with the boat. It handles the surf just fine, though I pick my days and I've not tested the boat in a heavy surf.

Sea Eagle is a great company. Its customer service is fantastic! They were always available and helpful, both via email and on the phone.

I readily recommend both the boat and the company.

John Schaeffer Verified Owner 1/29/2017 5.0 out of 5 stars.

Great boat

Very functional

Perfect for traveling distances

Stores much easier than on stern platform or towed

Nice job